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男人间 第二季6.8

类型:欧美剧  美国   2013-02-12

主演:Nick Mathews Sharon Michaels Ben Pamies Mark Tallman Chase Coleman

导演:Quincy Morris


  《男人间 第二季》是2013年的一部欧美剧。由Quincy Morris执导,Nick Mathews、Sharon Michaels、Ben Pamies等联袂主演。男人间 第二季,又名In Between Men、柜里柜外。It’s been almost 2 years since the Season Finale of Season 1. Since that time, you have demanded, pleaded, and sometimes begged, lol, to bri ng you more episodes. Well, we have heard you. You number in the millions and you live all over the world. You have stood by us, encouraged us, and sometimes defended us, as we took the necessary time to raise funds, organize and creatively challenge ourselves to deliver Season 2. Your devotion, loyalty, and patience...well, it is second to none. In order to continue to bring you quality content, high production values and seasons that are NOT 2 years apart, we needed to switch to an inexpensive subscriber model. As you can imagine, it is hard to produce content of this magnitude without the backing of a network. And though we have sponsors, it simply isn’t enough. This impressive new website and making longer, quality episodes makes it even tougher. So, we turn to you and hope that you understand that by supporting this Season, we can bring you more In Between Men, more often. We are confident that with our ‘bigger, better, longer’ Season 2, the show speaks for itself and that you can trust us to deliver. We think the web deserves good Made-For-Online Television! We hope you do to. That’s why we made the episodes longer as the season goes on culminating in full broadcast television length episodes to give you the ultimate value for your investment. Join us! And Enjoy Season 2 of In Between Men!


  Ziggy 说:摄影师莫名其妙屎了……那是因为没有看完S1!摄影师男友不是吧台男了……那是因为直接看S2!摄影师遗照都换脸了……男主那个埃及男友在葬礼上回来,穿得那一身气质的暴帅。男主邂逅的男子都是外地口音勒个擦勒,懂画懂艺术从小看真迹的空乘真特么帅气!
  唐海妹 说:最后两集真心是把这部剧拉上了一个新的高度,可惜没有字幕有的地方看得不是太明白。PS:Dalton简直就是不知好歹!Javier完全就是我的天菜!
  飞哥的咖啡 说:终于有点主线了,虽然只持续了几集,但比上一季要好多了;炮友一个接一个,多得我都记不住了,还是只能看看肉了,最喜欢医生~ BILIBILI


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