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类型:纪录片  英国   2009

主演:Waldemar Januszczak

导演:Waldemar Januszczak



  《马奈:创造现代艺术的男人》是2009年的一部纪录片。由Waldemar Januszczak执导,Waldemar Januszczak等联袂主演。马奈:创造现代艺术的男人,又名马奈:现代艺术创造者、Manet:The Man Who Invented Modern Art。Manet is one of the main candidates for the title of the most important artist there has been. As the reluctant father of Impressionism, and the painter of Dejeuner sur l'herbe, he can probably be accused of inventing modern art. But his story is fascinating on many other levels. As a piece of compelling biography, Manet's is the unlikely tale of the stubborn son of the most highly placed judge in France who decides to become an artist and embarrass his father. The resulting family tensions are the stuff of legend. His mother, by the way, was from a family that still supplies Sweden with its royalty. Then there was Manet's dramatic private life, including exotic romantic affairs and a particularly horrible death when, riddled with syphilis and gangrene, Manet had to have his leg amputated. But none of this would matter a jot were it not for the revolutionary art it provoked and coloured. Always cited as the father of the Impressionists, Manet stubbornly refused to show with them, and was careful to maintain an aesthetic distance from Monet, Renoir and the others. While they worshipped him, he looked down on them, preferring to continue his own remarkable departure from the traditional ways of art. The scandalous paintings with which he made his reputation - the outrageously sexy Olympia, the relentlessly paraphrased Dejeuner sur l'herbe - are the most totemic images in French 19th-century art. And the story of how Manet was rejected from the official salon, and ended up instigating the Salon des Refuses, can be understood as the epoch's key cultural event. Using the life of Manet as his narrative arch, Waldemar Januszczak tells the story of a complex and difficult man who started a revolution that continues to rumble on today.


  一颉 说:看的是itv版本的现代生活的肖像。马奈自己拒绝承认他隶属于印象派,他的作品没有印象派笔下转瞬即逝的光影,边界清晰,但是却又打破了传统的透视法则,呈现出一种二维的画面。现实主义的纪实画法流露出19世纪巴黎作为美术之都的现代性,这些肖像借由画中的裸体女人或者自画像凝视着观看者,他们作为一种媒介贯穿了画里画外,画中的人物却又在精神上彼此疏离,一种寂寥的阴翳笼罩着他们的眼眸。作为波德莱尔的挚友,他很好地诠释了波德莱尔笔下的闲逛者。
  乐直 说:一个半小时涵盖了马奈的家世,艺术,和莫奈的友情,和印象派的艺术分歧。他记录着现代化进程中巴黎人的生活和面对生活的无奈。当然也还有可能的儿子Leon,和后来的弟妹Berthe Morisot若有似无的暧昧(此女的画作在马莫唐可以看到),以及导致他死亡的神秘梅毒。
  有猫阿宅 说:通过分析马奈的几副作品简述马奈神秘的一生。反应现实生活的精妙巧思布局。






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