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类型:爱情片  美国   1931-11-21

主演:克拉克·盖博 琼·克劳馥 华莱士·福特

导演:Clarence Brown


  《藏娇记》是1931年的一部爱情片。由Clarence Brown执导,克拉克·盖博、琼·克劳馥、华莱士·福特等联袂主演。藏娇记,又名Possessed、狂魔。Marian Martin (Crawford) is a factory girl living with her mother in a grimy railroad town. Factory boy Al Manning hopes to marry her, but Marian is determined to find a better life. When a train makes a stop in town, Marian looks through the windows and sees the wealthy passengers. She then makes the acquaintance of Wally Stuart, a New Yorker who gives her champagne and writes...(展开全部)Marian Martin (Crawford) is a factory girl living with her mother in a grimy railroad town. Factory boy Al Manning hopes to marry her, but Marian is determined to find a better life. When a train makes a stop in town, Marian looks through the windows and sees the wealthy passengers. She then makes the acquaintance of Wally Stuart, a New Yorker who gives her champagne and writes down his address, telling her to look him up if she ever makes it to New York. Marian, now tipsy from the champagne, happily returns home. Giggling, she tells Al and her mother that she was drinking down by the railroad tracks.Al, who was waiting for her and accuses her of being drunk, spots the piece of paper containing Wally's address in Marian's hand, grabs it from her, and tears it up. He then tells Marian that her actions are inappropriate and that she's staying with him. Marian lashes out, telling Al and her mother that no one owns her and that her life belongs to herself. She grabs the torn paper shreds up from the floor and pastes them back together, then leaves for New York City. There, she looks up Wally who gives her some advice on meeting and keeping wealthy men, which Marian uses to begin a relationship with his friend Mark Whitney (Gable), a divorced attorney.She eventually becomes Mark's mistress and he provides her with a complete make-over, educating her in the arts and culture of his social set. Three years pass and the two entertain with brio and style. Marian and Mark fall in love.When Mark decides to run for gubernatorial office, however, friends caution him that his relationship with Marian is a serious liability. To cover their relationship, she has changed her name to "Mrs. Moreland" and poses as a wealthy divorcee. Some time later, Al, now running a prosperous cement business, comes to the city hoping to land a big contract. He sees Marian and asks her to marry him, but she refuses. When she overhears Mark talking with some politicians, she realizes that he now plans to marry her, despite the fact that their relationship would cause a scandal. She pretends not to love Mark and says that she is going to marry Al instead.A political rival soon leaks her true identity and Marian is forced to defend herself at one of Mark's election rallies. As the crowd rumbles, Marian steps up from the audience and tells them that Mark has always been an honorable man, who once belonged to her, but now belongs to them. The crowd cheers as she leaves, sobbing. Outside, Mark catches up to her and tells her that from now on they will be together no matter what. Mark legitimizes their relationship by proposing marriage.Possessed is a Pre-Code 1931 drama film directed by Clarence Brown, starring Joan Crawford and Clark Gable, and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The film is the story of Marian Martin, a factory worker who rises to the top as the mistress of a wealthy attorney. The screenplay by Lenore J. Coffee was adapted from the 1920 Broadway play The Mirage by Edgar Selwyn. Possessed was the third of eight movie collaborations between Crawford and Gable.


  球球滚啊滚 说:齐泽克:“女主角的内心世界被投射到这个场景中。结果,虽然故事中所有现实都在场(火车、女孩),但可以说她的知觉中,现实被抬升到一个神奇的水平,成了女主角放映梦想的屏幕,而这就是最纯粹的电影艺术。”一幕一幕车窗里的景观(外来景观/未来幻象)被安置在画框上方,在她眼前流过时,正是观影者看着银幕上的幻象——她的体验便是观影的体验。虽然观看主体的形象并未反映在车窗/镜子中,但她的内心世界(欲望、想象及自我幻象)已然投射在上面,一种未来与可能的形象先行到场,作用于现实与当下——火车并没有立即地满足她的欲望,而是教导了她如何欲望,齐泽克认为电影也是这样 : 电影不会满足观众的欲望,而是教导观众如何去欲望,由这点我们可以看见人类的欲望全然是人工的。
  明明明明明 说:琼在这部电影里演的非常得体,哪个阶段,都是该有的样子。从工厂女孩的疲乏,表达粗俗又直接,到最后大庭广众下为盖博辩护之后离开,心碎到失魂落魄的样子,她都有一个该有的样子。 也有一个问题,她的表演少有那些细腻的动人的小表情小动作,可能是五官和肢体都属于硬的类型?缺少那些柔和暧昧的东西。 在跳舞的女人里她有,体育馆里的部分,情愫的萌生。在这部藏娇记里就是她在铁路边憧憬大城市,为盖博弹唱英文歌,按住盖博容忍他朋友的不敬,结尾失魂落魄的走在楼梯上。她每个表情真实的都像涟漪荡开。
  mankikii 说:看电影也讲究天时地利人和 这部电影存在电脑上六年了一直没看完 今天偶然听到克劳馥在里面唱的歌曲欢喜的不行,遂兴起观影。果然它不负期待,虽然故事框架逻辑很简单,甚至事情没交代清楚就被暴力收尾了,但是大银幕上两位演员是真情实感在相恋,我得到了爱的感觉。在人生的低谷期真的很需要这种简单的故事让自己换个心情 顺便感叹 盖博很帅 三十年代初的琼美得动魄惊心 我就是很喜欢三十年代米高梅拍摄的爱情电影 华丽 简单 (此刻过于激动无法正常表达想法 见谅)


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