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类型:剧情片  波兰   1956-05-01

主演:Zygmunt Kestowicz Adolf Chronicki 埃米尔·卡尔维茨

导演:Jerzy Kawalerowicz


  《影子》是1956年的一部剧情片。由Jerzy Kawalerowicz执导,Zygmunt Kestowicz、Adolf Chronicki、埃米尔·卡尔维茨等联袂主演。影子,又名Cien、Shadow。《影子》是50年代-60年代初波兰电影学院派的代表作,与Andrzej Munk的《倒霉》《铁轨上的男人》等片齐名。是卡瓦莱罗维奇最好的作品之一。获嘎纳金棕榈和英国学院奖最佳影片提名。 The first screenplay, based on one of his own stories, by noted writer Alexander Scibor-Rylski, SHADOW is a Rashomon-like investigation into the life of a man found dead after having been hurled from a train. As security agents, policemen and a medical examiner begin to piece together his identity, three accounts emerge: one set during the war, one in the immediate aftermath, and one in then contemporary Poland. In each, the murdered victim seems to have been a mysterious, ambiguous presence, of shifting loyalties and suspicious connections, who invariably set himself against the ruling powers of the time. Critics at the time attacked the film for its depiction of a world rife with secret agents and hidden enemies - a favorite Stalinist theme - yet the film seems rather to insist on how heroism or villany are so often matters of point of view and timing. Polish filmmaker Jerzy Kawalerowicz was once considered one of his country's most talented post-WW II directors, noted for his powerful, detail-oriented imagery. Kawalerowicz was versatile and his subjects ranged from historical dramas to intense psychological studies. He made his directorial debut in 1951 after working as an assistant director. In 1955 Kawalerowicz was appointed head of the prestigious KADR production unit. He held the position again in 1972. In 1983, Kawalerowicz alienated himself from many of his peers by signing communist government-generated reports condemning all filmmakers aligned with the Solidarity Movement and promoting the destruction of production units run by long time associates Wajda and Zanussi. Born in Gwozdziec, Poland (now Gvozdets, Ukraine), Jerzy Kawalerowicz was noted for his powerful, detail-oriented imagery and the depth of ideas in his films. After working as an assistant director, he made his directorial debut with the 1951 film The Village Mill (Gromada). He was a leading figure in the Polish Film School, and his films Shadow (Cien, 1956) and Night Train (Pociag, 1959) constitute some of that movement's best work. Other noted works by Kawalerowicz include Mother Joan of the Angels (Matka Joanna od aniolów, 1961) and a 1966 adaptation of Boleslaw Prus' historical novel, Pharaoh, which was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.


  蘇小北 说:一段猝死引發兩段戰爭記憶:類似于墻的命運捉弄以及類同于死無葬身之地的忠誠危機。人類記憶和理解領域中,與死亡相依的似乎最是戰爭和暴力,命運的莫測是第七封印一樣的博弈與否定之否定,命運的詭譎機變穿破信仰的堅肯。當故事緩慢鋪展,記憶與現實交合,最契合的,是死亡的無妄,生命是死亡的投影。
  欢乐分裂 说:剧本结构精妙,四段故事以接近一千零一夜的方式由出场人物一一传述,看似并无关联,首尾相接合拢,实则在时空上恰串联起二战前后波兰社会的情形——战争时期的告密阴影与不安氛围如毒瘤一般,仍高悬于大众心头,依旧是互相猜忌的人人自危;每段具有悬疑神秘性,死去之人拥有的秘密永远是秘密。
  枭鮣 说:臉盲,再加上難記的東歐人名,看的一頭霧水。就像兒時看《第八個是銅像》一樣。結尾那個火車上被追趕的男人,是一開始和美女開車救人的那個男子嗎?怎麼他又在火車上呢?不如《尼羅河上的慘案》大胖子波羅偵探外貌特徵明顯,而且把犯罪的來龍去脈講的很清楚。


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